Company incorporation in Spain with us
Form your company with us quickly and cost-effectively.
In AGL (law firm Barcelona) we specialise in forming limited companies and registering them in Barcelona. If you want a company incorporation in spain, we have been a certified PAE Point in Barcelona since 2010. PAE are helpdesks for advising entrepreneurs on official paperwork and applications, validated by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
Start a company in Barcelona
This allows us to electronically process official company formation applications company through the Single Electronic Document system (DUE), reducing the costs and time needed to start a business.
This option is also valid in the case of self-employed entrepreneurs or professionals, through free registration procedures with the Tax and Social Security authorities.
Moreover, the Electronic processing provides greater flexibility when creating a company than in-person applications. It also requires fewer trips to different agencies. Electronic processing links the different authorities involved in the creation of a company allowing them to communicate and expediting the paperwork need to start a business.