Legal Advisors Barcelona

How To Request A Company Name To The Mercantile Registry?

Forgotten the time in which the term to constitute a company was eternal, which could take several weeks, thanks to the computerization of great part of the process at the present time it is possible to constitute companies in few days, due in part to the web, which allows the obtaining of the certificate of social denomination in 1-2 working days.

The process for obtaining the certificate of corporate name is very simple, it is only necessary to think of up to five possible names for the company and attach a copy of the DNI / NIE / NIF of one of the partners or shareholders who are going to incorporate the company. In the case of already existing companies, the new name must be requested in the name of the existing company and not in the name of the partners or shareholders.

With this information the registrars will grant or deny the denomination, in case that by coincidence or similarity it can give to confusion with other already existing companies.

The request of the name to the Central Mercantile Registry can be made in three ways:

Through the web

Through a consultancy such as AGL, which will be able to indicate you the criteria to have more options for the company name to be accepted by the registrars.

Directly in the notary’s office where you are going to carry out the procedures for the incorporation or change of name of the company.


Remember that once obtained, the certification is valid for three months; after that time, if the company has not been incorporated or the change of corporate name has not been made, the company must request its renewal from the registrars.

It should also be borne in mind that the reservation of name is valid for six months; after this period has elapsed without the deed having been executed, a new reservation of name must be requested.

Once the corporate certificate has been obtained, in the case of incorporation of companies, the next step will be to prepare the articles of association; we explain this in another post in this blog.

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