>  Jose Antonio García Martínez
Lawyer Barcelona

Jose Antonio García Martínez


Expert in taxation and accounting. Business consultant.

Languages: Spanish, Catalan and English
Knowing different types of businesses, ranging from small entrepreneurs to large multinationals, from traditional businesses to technology companies, allows me to help companies not only from the purely accounting point of view but also in the fiscal and business vision area, we are able to provide updated information and solutions for the decision making of our clients.

My experience ranges from accounting consultant to tax consultant and finally business consultant in a broad sense. My biggest aspiration at professional level is to help create and consolidate companies. My biggest reward is that our clients will recommend us.

I collaborate as a patron of the Fundació Emprèn in helping entrepreneurs in their initial stages of development and the inclusion of other unions in the workplace.

Apart from working, I enjoy traveling, improving my English and practicing sports such as mountain biking.

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