Set up a Company in Barcelona

Set Up a Company in Barcelona with AGL

Looking to set up your own company in Barcelona, but going through administrative processes seems to be very complicated.

Don’t worry. At AGL, we offer a simple, quick and affordable alternative.

First, if you don’t have it yet, you should request the Niyi a tax ID number for foreigners. We’ll explain how to get it in your country or Barcelona.

Next, you should provide us with five possible names for your company or business will submit this list to the Mercantile Register of Madrid and 24 hours later we’ll find out which one has been approved.

Once you have a favorable company name certificate in your possession, you can go to the bank and request your bank certificate of paid up capital. In the meantime, we’ll prepare your company byelaws. For this, you only have to provide us with the registered office business purpose and who will be managing the company after this. All that’s left is registering the company before a notary that same day will provide the name and a few days later your company will be listed in the Mercantile Register. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? And it only takes 72 hours once you’ve acquired the Niyi. Besides Azango, we offer you very interesting prices. Why should you trust us? Because we’re qualified experts in company, corporation and corporate advice.

Because we speak your language and because we aim to be your trusted partners for many years.

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