Legal Advisors Barcelona

Advantages of being qualified as an emerging company with garcía lópez consulting in barcelona 🚀

The publication of the Startup Ecosystem Promotion Law, also known as the Startup Law, has established the advantages for those companies that are qualified as emerging companies. These advantages are significant and can make a difference in the development and growth of your business. In this article, we will delve into each of them and show you why it is crucial to consider accreditation as an emerging company, with the support of García López Consulting, the leading legal consultancy in Barcelona, and collaboration with ENISA, the entity that can be key in this process. 👨‍⚖️💼

Reduction of the corporate tax rate to 15% for a period of four years ✔️ One of the most prominent advantages of being considered an emerging company is the substantial reduction in the corporate tax rate. This benefit allows you to enjoy a tax rate of 15% for a period of four years. This translates into significant financial relief for your company, allowing you to reinvest more capital in the growth and expansion of your business. 💰📈

Deferral of tax debts for the first two fiscal years with positive taxable income ✔️ The Startup Law also provides for deferrals of tax debts during the first two fiscal years in which you obtain positive taxable income. This deferral provides you with additional financial relief and the necessary flexibility to manage your tax obligations more efficiently, with the support of García López Consulting. 🗂️💳

Elimination of making installment payments of Corporate Tax during the first two fiscal years ✔️ Another crucial advantage is the elimination of the obligation to make installment payments of Corporate Tax during the first two fiscal years. This reduces administrative and financial burdens in the early years of your company, allowing you to focus on the growth and consolidation of your business. 💼📊

Elimination of certain notary fees necessary for the establishment of a new company ✔️ The Startup Companies Law also eliminates certain notary fees that are normally associated with the establishment of a new company. This reduces initial costs and facilitates the process of establishing your business legally and efficiently, with the legal support of García López Consulting. 📜🏢

Exemption from the obligation to obtain NIE for non-resident foreign investors ✔️ If you are looking to attract non-resident foreign investors, this advantage is essential. The Startup Law exempts the obligation to obtain the Foreigner Identification Number (NIE) for non-resident foreign investors. 🌎✈️

Self-employed individuals who combine their startup with employment will not have to contribute as self-employed for three years ✔️ For those entrepreneurs who decide to combine their startup with employment, the Startup Companies Law offers an important exemption: they will not have to contribute as self-employed for three years. This reduces financial pressure in the early years of entrepreneurship and allows for a smoother transition to business independence. 👥📈

Social Security contributions: Bonification for three years ✔️ The Startup Law also contemplates a bonus on Social Security contributions for three years. This measure alleviates the financial burden associated with hiring employees and encourages job creation in emerging companies. 🏢💼

Extension of exemption in the delivery of “stock options” to employees up to 50,000 euros ✔️ The delivery of “stock options” to employees is a common strategy to attract and retain talent. The Startup Companies Law extends the exemption in the delivery of “stock options” to employees up to 50,000 euros, allowing emerging companies to attract the best professionals without incurring significant tax costs, with the legal support of García López Consulting. 💼🌟

Increase in the deduction for investment in new companies up to 100,000 euros ✔️ The Startup Law also promotes investment in new companies by increasing the deduction for investment up to 100,000 euros. This makes it more attractive for investors to financially support startups, which in turn stimulates the growth of the business ecosystem. 🚀💡

Boost in the creation and development of controlled test environments to validate the viability and impact of new models in regulated activities ✔️ The Startup Companies Law recognizes the importance of innovation in regulated sectors. Therefore, it promotes the creation and development of controlled test environments to validate the viability and impact of new business models in regulated activities. This opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to disrupt highly regulated industries, and García López Consulting is here to provide you with the necessary legal support in this process. 🧪🔍

Reduction of guarantees in the granting of subsidies ✔️ Finally, the Startup Law reduces the guarantees required for the granting of subsidies, facilitating access to public financing for emerging business projects. This can be crucial for startups seeking additional resources for their growth and expansion, and with the expert advice of García López Consulting in Barcelona, you can receive support throughout the process from application to approval. 💼🌱

As you can see, the advantages of being qualified as an emerging company are remarkable and can significantly contribute to the success of your business. Taking advantage of these benefits is easier with the support of García López Consulting, the leading legal consultancy in Barcelona. Contact us now and discover how we can help you obtain accreditation as an emerging company and make the most of these benefits! Click on this link and we will assist you immediately. 📞🏆

As you can see, although it is a relatively complex process, it can be very interesting to apply to ENISA for accreditation as an emerging company to take advantage of these benefits. If your company can be considered “emerging,” you can contact AGL to see if we can assist you in the initial stage… and for many years, click on this link and we will assist you immediately.

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