Legal Advisors Barcelona

New certification procedure for emerging companies: Orden PCM/825/2023

Boost your emerging company with the innovative certification process of Orden PCM/825/2023 in Spain!

The Spanish business landscape has undergone a significant change with the introduction of Orden PCM/825/2023. This regulation establishes a new process for certifying emerging companies.

Introduction to the new process

In order to promote innovation and support startups in Spain, a renewed certification process has been introduced. Orden PCM/825/2023 promises to simplify and streamline the steps for emerging companies.

Main objective of the Order

The central purpose of this Orden is to provide a clear regulatory framework. This will enable emerging companies to access specific benefits that will drive their growth and development in the current competitive market.

What does this change imply?

With the implementation of this Orden, startups and emerging companies will have a clearer and more structured procedure for obtaining certifications. Furthermore, a reduction in bureaucracy and a more agile process are anticipated, translating into time and resource savings for the companies.

Benefits for emerging companies

This new procedure not only offers clarity and efficiency. Companies that obtain certification will be able to access tax advantages, subsidies, and other incentives aimed at strengthening their position in the market.


Orden PCM/825/2023 is a positive step for the Spanish business ecosystem. It will facilitate the path for emerging companies and boost innovation in the country. If you are a startup or a growing company, it is essential to stay informed about these updates and take advantage of the opportunities provided by this new regulation.

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