Legal Advisors Barcelona

Some tips to prepare your income tax declaration in Spain if you are foreigner

If this is your first time to declare your Income Tax return in Spain, from AGL we explain you some tips to do it:


  • Download and check your fiscal data of the year. You can obtain them at the website of the Agencia Tributaria, with your digital signature, clave Pin or with your personal .data (NIE, bank account number).


  • In case you has had other incomes in Spain you have to include them: dividends, capital gains, rentals, etc.


  • If you have other incomes abroad as salaries, rentals or if you have real estate properties abroad,,almost for sure you´ll have to declare them in the Spanish Income Tax. Remember that if you are tax resident in Spain, you have to declare in Spain your worldwide incomes of the full year, even if they were before or after you were living in Spain.


  • In this case, make sure if you have paid any income tax in origin and if you can deduct it totally or partially, according to the Spanish laws and the Agreements to avoid double taxation.


  • If you have a salary and you have travelled abroad for work, check if you can consider a part of your salary as tax exempt according to article 7 of the Income Tax Law.


  • Review if you have any tax exemptions or deductions: Planes de Pensiones, donations, rental deductions or personal and familiar deductions among others.


  • Check if you have to prepare your Wealth Tax declaration (Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio), including your assets and debts all over the world.


Regarding the preparation of the Income Tax declaration, there are three ways to do it:


  • By yourself: unless it is a very simple declaration, we don´t recommend it as you can miss some deductions or exemptions or you can forget to include some incomes or expenses.
  • You can go to the tax office, with a previous appointment (Cita Previa). It is free in some cases but of course in case of doubt they will prepare the declaration according to their interests.
  • You can prepare the declaration with a tax advisor, if possible with experience with tax declarations of foreigners, Agreements to avoid double taxation, etc.

From AGL we can help you to prepare your income tax declaration. You can contact us at


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